The reason you should watch this drama is:

2. The lead female, Alice Ko and the second lead, Joanne Tseng used to be best friends in college, and because of a boy they broke there friendship and since then they have been friend enemies.
3. There is an idol male in this drama, which is the second male lead in this drama, Zhang Huaiqiu. We haven't seen him playing until now (episode 2.), but we know he has to do something with the female leader; some kind of romance, that the female lead does not like so much as she likes the male lead. And then we have the second female lead which likes the second male lead. There is so much drama, that makes me want to know how they get together or how things work between them.
4. There ending OST, OMG I can't express how beautifully wet, sad the song makes me feel. The song is sang by Yoga Lin a male singer from Taiwan. This song for this drama, gave me so many more bonuses. The music video gives A LOT of sneak picks of what happens in the drama.
These are 4 reasons to watch this drama AT THE MOMENT, as right now only 2 episodes are out. Every week one episode will be airing.
Please give this drama a try, and let me know what made you want to watch it the most, and what you would like to add to it, in this list.