Cherry Bullet- Q&A
If you are looking for a cute MV, then this will suit your taste, not only is the song pumpy and enthusiastic, the dance is easy to follow as well as cute!!!
If you are looking for a cute MV, then this will suit your taste, not only is the song pumpy and enthusiastic, the dance is easy to follow as well as cute!!!

Seventeen- Home
YESSSS!!! These boys are amazing and you would easily know this because of their famous dance moves, and the idea that the group is divided into about 3 subgroups (dancers, rappers, singers), they have so much talent. This song is not so much as the rest of their previous songs but has a pleasing and authentic sound to it to bring you in a calm mood. These boys will always make you happy!!

Hyomin of T-ara - U UM U UM
You all should know about this goddess! I first got to know of T-ara, and Hyomin through the well-known drama "Dream High" which had two series and were amazing!!!! This song is aesthetically pleasing, and has a great beat to it, making it easy to dance and think about those great summer vibes!!

NCT DREAM- Candle Light
SM did a great job debuting this subunit a while ago, so much talent in one group, and overall cuteness! You cannot not fall in love with these boys. The vibe from this song is soft and sweet and the harmonies are amazing, it kind of someones like EXOs "Universe"!!

(to add more next week, stay tuned)